Bethshan Bible Church - Bethshan Ministries


Bethshan Bible Church

Our Services

Sunday : Worship Service:  – 10:00am 

Sunday School – every second Sunday (Held during Church Time)

Plan to join us for singing, Bible preaching & Fellowship

Wednesday: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study – 5:00pm

Our Sunday Messages are available on our youtube channel – Bethshan Bible Church.  

For more information about our Church feel free to contact Pastor Colin Gregory on  email: 


Statement of Faith

Get in touch with Bethshan Bible Church

Our address is Bethshan Bible Church, 70 Wyee Road, Wyee NSW 2259.

If you are interested in the church please contact our Pastor Colin Gregory using the details below or by filling up our enquiry form.

Make your offering today.

Here are our bank details, please use the wording ‘offering‘ in your reference:

Account Name: Bethshan

BSB : 082 677

Account Number : 188937646